Work Permits
Purpose and Scope
It is the purpose of this procedure to ensure a safe operational environment is established and maintained for work activities that require a documented work permit. It provides a methodical approach to assessing the risks and specifying the precautions to be taken when performing work activities covered by a Work Permit.
This procedure applies to all HY projects in relation to the issuing, monitoring, and closing out of work
- Hot Works
- Confined Space
- Ground Works
- Demolition
- Roof Access
- Isolation
- Energisation
- Working in Energised Areas
- Coring & Cutting
- Plant Setup
- Strip Formwork
- Strip Scaffold
In some circumstances, HY may also use paper-based permit templates (e.g., Energisation Permit used in place of a subcontractor or asset owner’s template, or any specific permits developed unique to the project).
Site Manager
- Ensure all work permits are either completed or registered in HammerTech if using a hard copy
- Ensure the contents of the work permit are discussed with the Subcontractor who is to acknowledge and accept the Permit Conditions.
- Monitor the relevant activity and ensure that work is not conducted after the expiry of the permit.
- Authorise the extension of work permits and detail changes
- Check that works have been completed in accordance with the permit and close out the Work Permit
- Ensure geotechnical reports are received where stated on the work permit
- Ensure service isolations are undertaken and restored where required on the work permit
Work Permits
Permit Preparation and Registration
Work covered by this procedure must not commence until a permit has been issued by the HY representative. Work must be conducted in accordance with all conditions on the permit.
A permit can be prepared by either using:
- The relevant Permit in HammerTech, or
- A hard copy permit template
HY’s preference is to use the Permits module in HammerTech.
Subcontractor permits may be used providing that they meet the requirements of this procedure, other relevant procedure, and are authorised by the HY Site HSE Coordinator or Supervisor (Foreman, Site Manager, Project Manager or Site Engineer).
If using a hard copy template, the permit must still be registered in HammerTech.
Note: The Confined Space work permit is to be completed as a hard copy so that the permit is available at the confined space work area.
The relevant proforma is to be completed with all the details of the works to be undertaken under the Permit along with Permit Conditions, Start and Expiry Dates. Relevant information and other documents are to be attached to the Permit (e.g. SWMS, Services locations, Site Layout Plan etc.).
The following personnel should be involved in the development of a permit:
- The Issuer (HY Representative: i.e. Site Manager/ Foreman/ HSE Coordinator/ Engineer)
- The Acceptor (a competent subcontractor supervisor)
- Subcontractors or Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who are responsible for services isolations/controls
- Other contractors (if their assets may be affected by the works being carried out)
- All workers involved with the task need to be briefed on the hazards/controls associated with the permit
The Subcontractor(s) and the HY Project team are to fill out their assigned sections of the permit.
The requirements of the permit are to be discussed with the Subcontractor who is to acknowledge and adhere to the agreed permit conditions. The Subcontractor Representative is to accept the permit conditions by submitting or signing the digital permit, or physically signing if a hard copy permit is being used. The Permit can then be approved and issued to the Subcontractor.
Tracking and Closeout of Permits
Each permit is only valid for the duration defined on the permit. Where work has not been completed within the approved duration, the permit may be extended as authorised by the Site Manager or authorised HY representative. Extension of duration can be done using the permit already in place by extending the expiry date on the checklist and making comment in the comment section as to reasons behind the extension.
If the permit conditions have changed, then a new permit must be completed.
Hot Works Permit
Projects can determine when a hot works permit is required relative to the risk of the work.
The Hot Works Permit can be used prior to, during, and at the completion of hot works to prevent any inadvertent mix of heat, sparks/flames or combustible materials that may result in fire or explosion. It can also be used to prevent finished product, such as glass, from being affected by the hot work.
Hot work refers to any temporary operation that produces flames, heat and/or sparks including:
- Welding
- Burning
- Flame cutting
- Flame heating
- Brazing, soldering
- Plasma cutting
- Metal spraying
- Grinding
For the purpose of this procedure, hot work does not include work that produces flames, heat and/or sparks:
- In areas specifically constructed, protected, and arranged to accommodate safe hot work processes
- In ongoing work process/environments that are adequately risk assessed and controlled. This may include specific operations in workshops, kitchens or plant rooms.
All tags, blanks & other precautions associated with this permit have been removed or returned.
The work area must be inspected after completion of the work to ensure there is no residual fire risk.
Confined Space Works Permit
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with the Confined Space procedure.
A Confined Space Works Permit is required each time work is to be carried out in a confined space. Each permit only applies to one confined space. A Confined Space Works Permit is also required when a person enters a confined space to conduct the initial confined space risk assessment.
The Confined Space Works Permit must include:
- Identification of the confined space to which the permit relates
- Name of any worker permitted to enter the space
- Period of time during which work in the space will be carried out
- Measures to control the risk including:
- Controls that must be implemented before work commences (e.g. isolation of plant & services, purging, ventilation, atmospheric testing, cleaning and signage)
- Controls that must be implemented or continued while work is being done in the space (e.g. ventilation, continuous monitoring, respiratory protective equipment and PPE)
- Equipment to be taken into the confined space, and any exclusions (e.g. ignition sources)
- Any specialist emergency equipment required
A Confined Space Permit must be authorised by a person with relevant advanced confined space training and verified by a Hansen Yuncken representative before entry or work is undertaken in the confined space.
The Confined Space Permit must be displayed at the entry of the work area along with the Permit Access Register. Prior to a Confined Space Permit being cancelled, all tasks in the confined must cease and all persons be removed from the confined space.
Other permits may also be required depending on the work to be undertaken in the confined space.
Groundworks Permit
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with the Excavation procedure.
A Groundworks Permit is required prior to any excavation works commencing. The permit is used to identify precautions required to excavate where hazards may be hidden from view, and/or the likely structural stability of the excavated ground require assessment by a competent person.
The purpose of the groundworks permit is to ensure that:
- Ground conditions are determined
- Underground services in the area are identified/ protected
- Authority permits (from asset owners) are obtained
All relevant supporting documentation e.g. DBYD, as build drawings, services layouts, engineers report etc. must be attached to the permit.
The Groundworks permit should:
- Clearly state the methodology of work being carried out e.g. trench excavation for sewer diversion, installation of screw piles, trench excavation for stormwater services etc.
- Be completed and issued on location and not from a remote location such as a site office
- Be only issued after the issuer has walked the full excavation route with the subcontractor supervisor/plant operator and spotter to identify services covered by the permit
- Identify any existing underground services in the area. Where existing services are identified the permit should either:
- Confirm that these isolations have either been completed OR
- Give clear instructions as to the arrangements for isolation and any limitations on working practices prior to isolation
Demolition Permit
NOTE: To be read in conjunction with the Demolition procedure.
A Demolition Permit is required prior to any demolition works commencing. The permit is used to ensure that risks associated with demolition have been assessed and controls implemented for the safety of workers and the general public. This includes consideration of:
- Asbestos and/or other hazardous materials
- Biological hazards
- Electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic services
- Communications and data
- Dangerous goods
- Structural collapse
- The Demolition Permit is to be included as supporting documentation for the Demolition Plan. Additional permits may be required (e.g. hot works permit, plant setup permit etc.) as per this procedure.
Roof Access Permit
Projects can determine when a roof access permit is required relative to the risk of the work.
A Roof Access Permit may be required for Subcontractors requiring access to roof areas to undertake work. Roof areas include awnings and structures greater than 2 metres in height attached to buildings.
The Roof Access Permit is used to ensure that there is a process for safely accessing and working on roofs on. This includes ensuring that the following has been addressed:
- Accessing and exiting roofs
- Preventing falls from roofs
- Skylights and similar penetrations
- Exposure to hazardous substances from fume cupboards, cooling towers and communications equipment
- SWMS for the specific task requiring roof access
A Roof Access Permit will only be issued Roofing Subcontractors once:
- Safe access/egress has been established to the roof area, and
- Roof Rail/Safety Mesh has been installed, handover certificates received and following inspection by HY
Once roof sheeting has been installed, any further subcontractors requiring access to the roof area may require a Roof Access Permit prior to access.
All workers requiring access to the roof must sign onto the Roof Access Permit Sign In/Out Register located at the Roof Entry prior to commencing work and sign off when work completed. A copy of the Roof Access Sign on/Sign off Sheet shall be attached to this permit upon completion.
Isolation Permit
For activities requiring the isolation of energy sources, HY’s preference is to use the subcontractor’s own Isolation permit template. Requirements in the Isolation and Energisation Procedure must be adhered to. HY’s Isolation Permit in HammerTech may be used if required. Involved parties are to complete the permit with details of the work, lock out tag out methods, conditions, and permit dates. The Isolation is to be carried out by competent personnel and hold appropriate licences/tickets where required (i.e., electrical services). The Subcontractor Representative must accept any permit conditions.
Note: work involving power tools or hand tools within 300mm of live services/live cable trays requires the source to be isolated.
Energisation Permit
An Energisation Permit is required when energising systems or areas. HY’s preference is to use the subcontractor’s own energisation permit or checklist template. HY’s Energisation Permit in HammerTech can be used in required. Requirements in the Isolation and Energisation Procedure must be adhered to. The permit must include details of the specific energisation work, conditions, and designated dates. Energisation is to be carried out by competent personnel and hold appropriate licences/tickets where required (i.e., electrical services). The Subcontractor Representative must accept any permit conditions.
Working in Energised Areas Permit
Where it is not reasonably practicable to isolate, and work is to be performed in an energised area, the Work in Energised Area permit is to be used such as
- Partially entering a ceiling space
- Attaching fixtures to walls or ceilings post-energisation
This is for works which do not meet the requirements of the Cut/Core/Drill or Confined Space permits. The permit must include details of the specific work, conditions, and designated dates. The Subcontractor Representative must accept any permit conditions.
Cut, Core and Drill Permit
A Coring and Cutting Permit is required for all concrete coring and concrete cutting including:
- Core drilling
- Concrete slab cutting
- Concrete wall cutting
- Concrete pipe cutting
- Drilling of concrete
- Asphalt cutting
The Coring and Cutting Permit is used to ensure that underground/in situ services in the area are protected. This includes ensuring that all services have are identified and marked up.
Authorisation (sign off on the permit) from all service representatives (including concrete stressing, electrical/communications and hydraulic) must be obtained prior to issuing the permit. Once obtained, the permit may be authorised and signed by a HY Representative and accepted and signed by the Subcontractor Representative and the Coring/Cutting Operator.
A copy of all relevant service drawings must be attached to the permit upon completion.
Plant Setup Permit
A Plant Setup Permit is required for the setup of:
- Piling rigs
- Mobile cranes
- Vehicle mounted truck cranes
- Concrete boom pumps
- All terrain EWPs (when operating outside of existing established work zones)
A Plant Setup Permit may also be required for plant that will be used on balconies or structures. HY Site Management will determine the requirement for a permit based on documented evidence from a structural engineer.
The Plant Setup Permit is used to ensure that:
- An underground services scan has been completed and services identified where required
- Information has been obtained from overhead service suppliers/authorities about controls including exclusion zones and separation distances
- Located services are correctly marked and exclusion zones indicated
- All existing services drawings are available, clear to read and copies are provided to all relevant site personnel
- Service Providers have been notified e.g. Plumbers, Electricians etc.
- Critical high-risk services e.g. power, water, gas, HV, communications cables etc. have been identified
- Risk Assessments and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) applicable to work around high-risk services have been cross referenced
- Where doubt exists as to the integrity of a plant set-up area, a geotechnical engineer is consulted to assess the capacity of the work areas to support specific items of plant. Where necessary additional testing must be conducted and a documented geotechnical report obtained.
Note: A geotechnical report is mandatory for the setup of piling rigs
The issuer should walk the full area with the subcontractor supervisor/ plant operator and spotter before permit issue to identify services covered by the permit.
Formwork Stripping Permit
A Formwork Stripping Permit is required for all suspended floors and vertical wall / lift elements to ensure that all structural elements and WHS requirements have been satisfied. The permit must be completed by the HY engineer and foreman/site manager.
The permit is used to identify and control the risks of falling objects, fall hazards from the floor collapsing and manual task hazards from a person working in awkward postures and repetitively handling materials.
The key elements included are:
- All associated documents must be verified e.g. concrete strengths / structural engineer approval
- Layout plan detailing area permitted
- A site inspection of the area to verify that safety controls are in place e.g. exclusion zones, signage, working decks satisfactory
- Other trade coordination e.g. scaffolders, electricians
Prior to close out of the permit the following must be completed:
- The permit holder declares all work completed, all personnel off the job, and work area cleaned up as appropriate
- The permit holder must ensure any additional isolations are re-instated and marked off the Permit. “DO NOT OPERATE TAGS”, danger notices/signs and locks shall be removed as applicable
Strip Scaffold Work Permit
A Strip Scaffold Work Permit is required for the stripping/dismantling of complex scaffold. It is used to confirm the following:
- Type of scaffold to be stripped/dismantled
- Working at Height controls are nominated and in place
- Access and Egress controls have been established
- Exclusion Zones are established
- Services and plant have been isolated to the adjacent and immediate areas
- Scaffold Stripping/Dismantling method of works (SWMS)
- Materials handling and storage requirements
Definitions and Abbreviations
SWMS – Safe Work Method Statement
- Confined Spaces (Model Code of Practice) July 2020
- Federal Safety Commission (FSC) Audit Criteria
- H1 Working at Heights
- H3 Demolition
- H5 Structural Alterations/Temporary Support Structures
- H6 Confined Space
- H7 Excavation
- H10 Pressurised Gas
- H11 Chemical, Fuel or Refrigerant Lines
- H16 Mobile Plant
Associated Documents
- Confined Space procedure
- Demolition procedure
- Ground Works procedure
- Isolation and Energisation Procedure
- Plant and Equipment procedure
- HY Confined Space Permit template
- HY Ground Works Permit template
- HY Energisation Permit template